Mike and I went home for Christmas this year.
We got to visit all our family and see some friends too.
Here we are in front of the Christmas tree at Mom and Dad's house.

Here is Heather and Nanny on Christmas morning.

Here are Mom and Dad opening presents. Thanks Mom and Dad for all the really nice presents you got for myself and Mike.
You guys really went a little overboard this year, but I do enjoy everything you got me. I really like my new sneakers and the running outfit and the nice perfume.
Thanks to Nanny and Grampie for the pajamas. They are very comfortable and chic.

It was really nice to see uncle John and Julie and Len too. I even went to Woodstock with Dad to see Grammie.

Here we are up at Mike's parents. Raymond made all kinds of awesome food. I must have gained 5 pounds while I was there.
Kim and Shane gave us Dance Dance Revolution for Christmas. What an awesome gift guys, thanks.

Here is Mike playing blindfold tag. Kim is actually behind the chair that Barb is sitting in and she's about to get caught. We had so much fun playing this game which I know is kind of odd for a bunch of adults, but Christmas is a time to act like a kid, right?

Here's Shane and Brent in the background. I don't even want to admit to how long we played this game for.
While we were there we also went out to dinner with some friends , which was also nice.
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