Sunday, June 10, 2007


One thing about Vancouver is it has a very large entertainment industry. All the time there are commercials, tv shows, movies, etc. being shot here.

Usually once a month I see something being shot either in the park outside our place or near my work, which has quite a few historical buildings.

One morning at work, I noticed them installing an EMERGENCY sign on our building. I knew that the next day there would probably be something being shot.

Sure enough the next day the place was covered in actors, extras, camera men, crowd control, etc. At first this is a bit interesting, but after a while it gets to be annoying. The elevator takes forever because of the traffic, they make you wait to enter and exit the building because they are shooting a scene, etc.
For this movie, there were a bunch of ambulances and taxi cabs being used. On our way to lunch when a group of us were waiting to go out the gate, I asked "So what is this anyway, anything good?" to the guy making us wait. He said it was a movie called Elegy with Sir Ben Kingsley, Peter Sarsgard and Penelope Cruz.
I had read up on it recently.
So when he let us go, we walked right by Sir Ben Kingsley. I was about 4 feet away from him. Really weird. This is the guy who won an academy award for playing Gandhi. He was also in Schindler's list, AI, House of Sand and Fog, Oliver Twist, etc. Anyway so on Monday I'll bring my camera maybe I'll get a shot of the actors themselves, or maybe I'll get in tons of trouble for trying to take pictures of them, who knows.....
It's kind of neat though, I'll probably see the movie, just to see the shots of my work place.

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