I've never done it before and it was a pretty nice day, so we rented kayaks for a couple of hours.
This little town sort of reminds me of PEI. There is a little downtown strip with touristy shops and places to eat. We each got a small crappy piece of pizza for $3.00 each to keep up our energy for kayaking.

We didn't really have any goal, or destination. We just wanted to paddle around, enjoy the scenery, sip some merlot and avoid flipping our kayaks.
Kayaking is really easy. You just press these pedals in your boat to make the rudder go left and right and you paddle.
I did however see one idiot fall out of his boat, but I think he was showing off. It was funny watching him try to get back in though.

There are some really nice "cottages" built into the shore.
With some really nice boats out front. One guy even had his own gas pump built into his dock.
We saw some cranes on the docks. They are very large birds. There were also some fake cranes, which I think are there to scare off other birds. My guess is the birds poop all over the docks, if they aren't kept away some how.

We got the impression that some people like to keep their really nice stuff and their privacy to themselves.
There were a couple of islands that were covered with big keep out signs like this one.
I didn't see a dog though. ;)

Mike was getting a bit antsy to get back and was pretty far ahead of me. I was taking my time and getting a few more pictures when I saw what looked like a boey in front of me. Then it disappeared and I realized that it was some kind of animal. From my whale watching experience, I new that what goes down must come up and waited for it to surface again.
This seal came up right behind my kayak and I got some nice close shots of him.
He looks sort of like a dog, but with a skeleton nose. He was breathing really heavily and it was kind of creepy, because I was by myself. I was trying to remember if seals bite, or attack. He dove again and I held my paddle tightly for a while, but I didn't see him again.

Then we played video games for a bit. I was so pooped that I fell asleep on the little couch and slept there all night.
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