Tina was still here for the weekend. At work I dressed up. Quite a few people do.
I am the old hag at the front. People seemed to like my costume, they didn't know who I was.
It really scared Mike! I actually won a bottle of wine for the costume. I had a purse with knitting needles and mints in it and I kept asking people in this awful screechy voice if they wanted a mint "little boy or little girl". I also had a pretty disturbing walk going on.

Here I am back to normal. After work I went to the Costco. I wanted to buy us fireworks for Halloween. Fireworks are huge in Vancouver for Halloween. Everyone sets them off and there are tons of little shops selling them.
I heard that Costco was selling them, so I went over. they had a booth set up and there were all these big boxes. I had had a beer at the work Halloween celebration. (they provided the beer) so the biggest box looked good to me. I approached the booth and said I wanted to buy the big box and the lady asked me if I had a permit.

Now the box was much larger than I thought. They had only displayed the cover of it in the booth. It weighted about 30-40 pounds.
I had to get Mike to come pick me up.
We opened the box and we gathered supplies. Flashlights, headlamps, protective goggles, lighters and a bucket of water.
The guys planted the fireworks and set them off. Callling to eachother in different parts of the park to set them off simutaneously.
The fireworks were surprisingly good quality and it lasted quite a while. Next year we plan on buying a few of those boxes. It was a fantastic time. We went inside and had a few more drinks.
The next day Tina left to go home. I had a great time with her. It was nice to have another girl around for a while. I watched some scary movies the next day and ate some Halloween candy that was leftover, yum! Scary movies are not as scary during the day :)
Thanks Mom and Dad for the Halloween package! You guys are a bit silly :)
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