I know I still haven't blogged about Galiano Island, but it has too nice in Van lately to be inside and blogging :)
Vancouverites do not take the Sun Gods for granted. So here is a quicky.
Last weekend was gorgeous too and Mike and I went for a long walk on the seawall all the way around to Granville Island. We discovered a little park we hadn't been to before and this pretty cool water fountain that is basically carved into a large very real rock.

Next up, the other day I was working from home because there was a repairman coming to fix the stove that hadn't been working for 2 months. I'm typing away and I just hear this Whack! and a blur at the window.
I look down and there was a bird on it's back in our neighbors balcony. It's little head what moving back and forth like it was having a little bird seizure and it couldn't seem to move. I was upset that it would be laying here dying all day and I was trying to figure out what to do. I emailed our neighbors who are often working from home and the guy was home. We're friends with them so it was lucky and meant I had their email.
he came outside eventually and was calling for me as he'd gotten my email and by that time the little bird has managed to scuttle under some stairs they have so it looked like he was waking up a bit.
So our neighbor dug him out and managed to catch him as he was jumping around. He held him for a bit and straightened his wings and then set him on the balcony and he flew away! Yay! I was very happy, I hate seeing animals suffer. I have started calling him the bird whisperer.

Finally last night we didn't have anything to do. No plans. So we were moping around the house a bit and then I remembered that someone had recommended Yuk Yuks to me. It is pretty close. So I looked it up on the internet quickly and found a show that started in about an hour at 8:00. We took the dogs out, got cleaned up and were out the door and in a cab in about 20 minutes flat. It was hilarious! and cheap, only $18 a ticket and they serve you drinks and snacks ath your table during the show.
I love laughing that hard, I think it is good for your health and well being and we'll go more often now that it was a good experience. After the show we were pretty near one of our friends apartments so we went to one of the bar/restaurants they like to go to and texted them that we were there and they came by and we had a great night with them. That is what I love about the city. You can do things like that with so little planning because there are so many things to do in such a small amount of space.
Finally, I'm really looking forward to coming home. I have made contact with a few people and so has Mike so we'll do some visiting. I'm trying to get a good Canada day party to go to. I'm also looking forward to seeing Nanny, Grampie and Grammie, it's been a while.
Recently I found that a Freddy girl I knew from elementary to highschool (and even church) is here. We went out for dinner a few nights ago and had a blast. She is coming home too and it overlaps with our stay so we might hang out a bit while we're home. It's shaping up to be a good trip I think.
Well, better get outside, the sun is calling me!