They threw some ideas around and decided on go carting. It's a small software company who's staff is made up of 30ish men, so you do the math ;)
So Mike brought his own helmet and offered to drive some people over. It's nice when the Matrix sees the light of day every once in the while.

The reason why he is the only one with his helmet off is because the others are wearing hairnets in their rented helmets so once they were on, the weren't coming of until they were done. I just mentioned that because I asked him myself when I saw this.
They look like some b-list power rangers if you ask me ;). There weren't any pictures of the cars on the camera, Mike maybe if you come across one from the guys at work you should put it up.
It would be something I'd like to try and he managed to win a couple of times and of course had great fun bumping everyone around.
Mike recently go his motorcycle on the road the other day and we went for a ride and it was quite fun. There are a few places around here that are quite nice to bike to, I've heard and I'd like to try a couple of trips. Horseshoe Bay is supposed to be nice and has a great fish and chips place a the end of the journey. Mike has matured a lot since he first bought the bike so it can be a nice experience for me too and he is very careful.
Heather is coming to visit next weekend and I am going to take her to the big outlet mall in Washington a couple of hours from here. Mike and I desperately need some new summer clothes and apparently there are great deals to be had there. Also, Cirque du Soleil are in town and Mike and I are going to take her to that. We wanted to go to one of their shows for a while and since we didn't end up fitting one in when we went to Vegas this seems like a good time.

I can see Science World and the tent from my office building.
Bye for now,
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