Here is the park with the Christmas tree and pillars lit like candles.
The dogs love it and it is nice to have a little bit of snow to get into the Christmas spirit. It's still warm though so it won't last and all next week it is supposed to rain.
We go down to the park and throw snowballs and the dogs catch them in their mouth, they love it!

It is snowing the way it rains here.
People love it. They are all outside sledding, building snowmen, taking picture of their infants in their snow garb and with little snowballs in their hands.
However stay off the roads because there are hardly any plows or salt trucks and no one knows how to drive in it. It is funny, some of them will go soooo slow. Like 20 KM an hour cause they are so sure they will start spinning out of control. I went out to dinner for my birthday last night, but my birthday is kind of at a crumby time of year. All the XMas office parties are on the weekend now. Mike got me the video game "Guitar Hero" for my birthday. Here I am below playing it. I find

I do better with my leg on the coffee table like it is an amp ;)
It is sooo much fun, we are havaing a great time playing it. I want to have a 'Guitar Hero" party and invite some people over to play.
It would definitely be a great party game.
Happy Birthday to my Grampie Nicholson too who I share my birthday with and thanks to everyone for all the nice presents.
Cheers! Love you all
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