Sunday, March 04, 2007

Snow Boarding and Sicky Tala

This week I went snowboarding again on Thursday at Cypress. I am really getting the hang of it and am finally beginning to learn how to carve. I only have a couple of more chances before the season will be over.

There was a ton of fresh powder and, it wasn't cold or raining or snowing. After boarding we came in and had some pub food at the bar before heading home.

Tala the sickly little puppy that she is. Has a pretty bad ear infection. To keep her from making it worse, they vet gave us a cone. I think it is hilarious. In case you can't tell from the picture, she isn't too impressed.

She constantly bumps into the walls and Unos is afraid of her.

This weekend we didn't do too much, we rented a couple of movies and relaxed. Today I ran for over an hour on the sea-wall. It was about 10 degrees and the view is so gorgeous that you don't even notice how long you are going for.

There were tons of boats out and the mountains looked spectacular today. I stopped on the beach and listened to the waves lapping before starting home.

Have a great week,


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