On Friday some people from work went straight from work to a Wine & Beer fest. I decided not to go, but promised to meet up with them after.
They left pretty early and I had some work I needed to get finished, also I couldn't imagine beginning to drink from 3:00 in the afternoon until around 1 in the morning. I walked home and did some clothing shopping for Mike on my way home. When I got home, I noticed that the crew who were filming in our area (God knows what, they are always filming something) were still at it. I thought this was a pretty cool picture of the rain machine. You wouldn't think you'd need it in Vancouver (or maybe it is a snow machine, then you would need it).

I walked a couple blocks to the pub and happened to get there right when a few of my friends were at the very front of the line. I slid in and they let us in seconds later.
Again more clowning for the camera.

People may think that the pics are a bit excessive, but bringing a camera to a party gives people something to do.
We take ridiculous pictures, send them around after and everyone feels like they know everyone a little bit more.

So I said bye to everyone and headed home, picking up pizza on the way.
We took the dogs for a walk, ate our pizza and went to bed. This is one of the times, where it seems worth it to have dogs.

Today, I woke up, walked the dogs, did some errands and then Mike and I decided to take the dogs to Pacific Spirit park which they absolutely love.
Lately we are getting loads of sun, but it is a bit chilly and windy. I will have to take some pics of all of the cherry blossoms (gorgeous pinks and whites) before the wind knocks them all off.
For some reason the dogs behave extremely well at pacific spirit park which is off leash. I think it has something to do with the fact that they are just running down a path and not expected to interact with other dogs like at a park. Tala just runs right by them with out batting a lash, where normally almost every dog we meet there is a confrontation. Tonight after writing these blogs, I think I will hit the gym and just get a movie. I have been doing entirely too much partying if there is such a thing :)