Emily, Heather and Kim all went to see him in Edmonton just a couple of days earlier.
For Rain it was a surprise. I had planned on going with Mike (who was my reluctant substitute Bon Jovi fan). However Chris asked if I would rather have Rain come. I didn't know she was a fan! I think I had started to think that there weren't many kindred spirits who shared shared my passion for Jon.

So I finally told her by lamely singing a line from Blaze of Glory and she was stoked...and also confused about why she should dress warmly ;)

I had sort of counted on this. I bought cheaper tickets because Mike was not as enthusiastic about seeing Jon and there for I couldn't spend a fortune. I had planned on traveling around the auditorium and dancing in the isles which had worked last time for Heather and I and I wasn't disappointed. Not quite as close as last time, but pretty good! Rain was game for this tactic, thank goodness!

Him and Richie had been on it together for a little while singing a duet.

Here is the whole band with Richie standing on the Juke Box.
The set was a house (Who says you can't go home) and it was complete with a BBQ, a bicycle leaning up against the door and for some reason a rack of 40 proof liquor bottles?

Pretty sure that must be Richie's current flavor of the Month.

After the concert we walked back home. They had stopped serving drinks at 9:00 at the Coliseum for some awful reason so we were two thirsty girls.
We also had to see how the boys were making out unsupervised. I had reserved the pool table for them and they had guitar hero to keep them entertained.

Mike and I attribute it to the fact that she is a nurse and every day she has to do precise, dexterous, physical work. We need some kind of an excuse because she kicked our buts!
Anyway until next time we meet Jon. Won't be next year I don't think but we will meet again!