We rented a little cabin and brought the dogs.
One of the things to do in Squamish is to hike the Chief.
This is a picture of it here. Rock climbers actually scale the face of it. We saw people with binoculars observing their progress.

Also Mike chickened out. After the whole summer of hiking the grind he complained that his legs were going to jelly and that it was too hard.

I'm standing on this little wooden platform over the waterfall.

If we didn't hate tents so much we may have stayed there.

The dogs really enjoyed having their own bed.
The cabin was pretty nice. A twin, a day bed, a stove and kitchenette for $100 a night.

This place is very popular with anglers and we saw them all day walking by with all their gear on. After seeing one man with a salmon that wend from his waist to his toes we decided to take a peak.
As we watched, fish after fish after massive fish jumped out of the water. It must have been every 10 seconds we'd see on jump. You'd have to be trying not to catch a fish here.

I won twice! Mike won once!

And of course we had a fire. The whole trip would surely have been for naught if there was no campfire!
Here is mike getting it just right and making the biggest fire he could!

Here is Unos sitting on my lap. Fire or no, he was cold and kept climbing into my lap to get warm.
Tala also had no intention of sitting on the ground. These are definitely city dogs.
Now one thing I liked about this place was that there were a lot of dogs and they were all off leash. Tala and Unos had a great time playing with them.
Mike was getting them all to sit for burnt hotdogs.
Now see that one dog with the green eyes? That is not a dog. What is it? With those green eyes, all the better to see you with my dear!
Yep it's a wolf and it was massive. The owner said it is half timberwolf, half some other kind of wolf. I didn't hear the second half because I was a little stunned. I think she thought she was Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman or something. After the yappy chihuahuas and prancing yorkies of Yaletown, we were dropped into another dimension. That dog beside the wolf was quite large. Bigger than Tala anyway for a comparison in size.
And the grand finale! Mike and his hotrod.
Dad this one is for you. That is (was) someone's nice new crow bar with the price sticker still on.
Mike are you sure you don't want to move back to NB? You look like you came right off the cover of the Zealand Inquisitor.
Just got your GED and ready for the world!
Well, that's it folks. We had a great time roughing it for the weekend. That's enough for me for a while.

Mike was getting them all to sit for burnt hotdogs.
Now see that one dog with the green eyes? That is not a dog. What is it? With those green eyes, all the better to see you with my dear!
Yep it's a wolf and it was massive. The owner said it is half timberwolf, half some other kind of wolf. I didn't hear the second half because I was a little stunned. I think she thought she was Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman or something. After the yappy chihuahuas and prancing yorkies of Yaletown, we were dropped into another dimension. That dog beside the wolf was quite large. Bigger than Tala anyway for a comparison in size.

Dad this one is for you. That is (was) someone's nice new crow bar with the price sticker still on.
Mike are you sure you don't want to move back to NB? You look like you came right off the cover of the Zealand Inquisitor.
Just got your GED and ready for the world!
Well, that's it folks. We had a great time roughing it for the weekend. That's enough for me for a while.